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GTM V7 2>1 v2.0 Info & Installation info


Staff member
GT di Razza Pura
Jul 1, 2009
Short/condensed version, but I wanted to post here for those receiving the newly revised (v2.0) system.

GTM V7 2>1 Installation:

1. Remove the stock system.
2. Transfer the exhaust flanges to the new exhaust system. You will not re-use the two piece shims.
3. Check the exhaust gaskets and replace (not included) if needed.
4. Install the headers into the Y-pipe first, then bolt loosely to the heads.
5. Install the frame support, picture below, and finger tighten.
6. Center the system side to side.
7. Install the muffler with the spring, and tighten the frame clamp when positioned.
8. Tighten all bolts, starting at the heads, and then frame mount.
9. Wipe down with WD-40 (or eq) before firing, else those fingerprints will be permanent(!).
10. Start in a well ventilated space, as smoke and smells from the coatings to heat cure and the oils in the metals to burn off is normal. It will subside after a few miles of riding. Enjoy!

GTRx 2 1 Mnt
For those who have asked about a non-underbody-exit muffler, I can now offer the high mount v2.0 (mock up only) shown below for a touch more money. It's now on the online Store. Either muffler is now interchangeable.

IMG 0569
I waited and have been riding my bike diligently to ensure I had a proper mind and reference(s) for this V7I-II Full 2>1 and after having said and done all of that: I am thoroughly impressed with the work done with this system. Note: I have had GuzziTech install this and also have had the fuel mapping done to the ECU; performance has remarkably been improved across the board: response and feel have are literally day & night. I took one bike in and came out with another!

It's a smart beautiful package, with proper tuning this system is an aesthetically pleasing aftermarket replacement with performance to back it.

I was rather fortunate enough to order a version different from what I had received, the technicalities of the V7II forced the build to convert from a UB Stubby to the custom non-removable-baffled UB which my ears and I thank Todd, in his infinite wisdom, for said technicality. This baffled-version is still (yeah, STILL) remarkably loud (I can't even imagine a non-baffled can, now...) probably punching in around 90-95db on idle; I'm paranoid of the noise some early days (and late nights). Remember: decibels are LOGARITHMIC UNITS, with normal (well, most normal,...) conversations at 60-63db. The 2>1 system is throaty, punchy, growls on deceleration (no popping), and slightly less annoying loud than my slip-on Agostini's with the baffles removed.

Make no mistake: its presence is duly-made, it can be heard coming and it can be felt bouncing off cars a few bike lengths away (I've had other riders tell me it rumbles off cars as I lane-split). There's a satisfying shake of the ground in close proximity and honestly, the exhaust peeking out just from the underbody just looks b****ing, excuse my French. Aesthetically, it's pleasing and from a maintenance stand-point you can now reach under and through the back of the V7 where two cans would have restricted one's access. Construction is impeccable and the headers run cleanly along the lines of the bike. The Y-Tube is neatly tucked just past the sump and the lambdas are smartly placed (nice job!). I have not had any clearance issues, I've been able to run the bike up ramped sidewalks (not driveway dips, like really: legitimate sloped & ramped sidewalks) with no issues and I have not had any problems running over speed bumps at speed (that'd be a suspension issue, actually,...). Again, I really want to stress how aesthetically pleasing this is! One part of my wished I got black power coating but the sane part of me loves the way the pipes have blued!

In terms of performance, this isn't going to win you any track days and it isn't going to beat any liter bikes (I also have an '09 Yammy R1 for reference. I purchased the V7II new with nary any miles on the engine.

I've broken it in quite well and as I stated earlier- having the 2>1 system installed has literally been like receiving a new bike. I've owned a '14 V7R prior to this (lost to an accident, unfortunately) and I've rode the bike to the ground (quite literally) at an astonishing 17k racked up in one year; I went cross-country...something every adventurous-soul should do, and I believe I have the feeling of the V7R down. The first immediate difference is the throttle response; it's no longer sluggish and its acceleration is accented by the punchy bass emitted from the underbody can.

My only issue is that I "feel" (I'm stressing just myself) second is lackluster. It's feels like it sits in this purgatory of acceleration and speed; never quite satisfied with the amount of the broad torque across this gear. I feel like it's more of a rolling gear than something I'd actually ride in- opting to use 1st for slow-speed or 3rd and above for the general riding. I simply can't put my finger on it but I think the bike rides fantastic in 1st and 3rd that 2nd really just the "next neutral," it isn't bad but it isn't remarkable either.

Fueling has been exceptionally better and the spark plugs are taking a nice clean burn rather than its lean (clean) look. Again, the more I ride this and the longer I ride the headers have taken a beautiful blue (minus the few fingerprints on the right side when I carelessly applied when cleaning the forks,... doh!). The pipes look like they'll take on a nice patina and accentuate the aesthetics of the bike further. Sound is remarkably tolerable and a pleasure to hear and the bike has never felt better! I highly recommend this system to anyone looking to make a performance impact on their V7.
I want to give two shout outs here.

  1. Xiong, your review really pushed me over the edge for this exhaust. I tirelessly researched and listened to try and get the right exhaust. I knew this was probably going to be the one exhaust I get for my bike for a long time, so I didn't want to just get any exhaust. I rode with a few guys who had Mistrals and Agostini's, and while I liked them on heavy acceleration, when it came to cruising or more every day riding, I found them to be just "decent" - not bad, but not good enough that I was in love. I was going to go with the GT-Rx Stubby's but I just wasn't sure if I wanted it at that loudness, and wasn't sure if I'd lose top end power on stubs. Plus I really liked the 2:1 for it's looks. Your review is just so spot on, and I want to thank you for making such a detailed post. I am over the moon now with my bike.
  2. My second shout out is to Todd: Between the mapping, the construction, and then the sound, I just can't stop smiling. As I was telling you, I always really liked my bike, but never loved it, not like how everyone else talked about Guzzis. I felt like I just wasn't getting it. My ride home from the shop was the first time I really felt connected to my bike. It felt like the first time I had ever rode a bike, like I was a kid again - if I can sound dramatic for a second. The sound is brilliant. I like loud exhausts, and this is right at the point of being loud, but not cover your ears as I drive by loud. It's a "turn and look to see where that beautiful sound is coming from" loud. Somehow you were able bring out the best of the V-twin sound while also making it sound exotic. To me it sounds like a 10x better version of a baffled removed Arrow Scrambler exhaust mixed with parts of the Masarati Granturismo and then something else that I can't put my finger on. The sound is so good, that at first I found myself not wanting to shift so I could just hold on to that rumble, only to the surprise of the next gear having a brilliant unique sound of it's own. With this sound, I actually find myself wanting to show everyone I know and make them hear it in person, I'm just so proud of having it on my bike. Also, the mapping is wonderful. This is one of those things where I just couldn't understand what people were talking about, but now that I have it, I can't believe it took me this long. The bike rides exactly how you expect it to now, it pulls and is consistent in the best kind of way, and where you think it should stop having power, it some how still does. I know live in the 5K-6K range as if it's going out of style. Before, my bike felt unpredictable sometimes, and at highway speeds it felt like it would struggle in certain scenarios, but now everything is just buttery smooth consistency.

Thank you Todd for this, it really is like I have a completely new bike. The exhaust has been on for 3 days now, and I still can't stop smiling.

TylerP V7 2 1

I waited and have been riding my bike diligently to ensure I had a proper mind and reference(s) for this V7I-II Full 2>1 and after having said and done all of that: I am thoroughly impressed with the work done with this system. It's a smart beautiful package, with proper tuning this system is an aesthetically pleasing aftermarket replacement with performance to back it...
I can't stop smiling after reading those posts.
I have Todd's exhaust (under carriage shorty) & fueling mods on a 1200 Griso.
Just can't get enough of it.
I can't stop smiling after reading those posts.
I have Todd's exhaust (under carriage shorty) & fueling mods on a 1200 Griso.
Just can't get enough of it.

Oh man. I bet that sounds insane. The griso has such a great sound.
I have gotten many compliments on the sound alone.
I have heard such things as:
"Sounded like a small block chevy from the 60's"
"Had no idea what was coming down the road, I just had to sit & see it"
"Gotta be Italian"

With the under carriage exhaust that leaves the rear wheel wide open & those big twin pipes snaking along the left side & the Italian style she always draws a crowd even at bike nights where the majority are cruisers.

I get asked a lot if it is a custom build I like to reply: "Well it is hand made".
I have gotten many compliments on the sound alone.
I have heard such things as:
"Sounded like a small block chevy from the 60's"
"Had no idea what was coming down the road, I just had to sit & see it"
"Gotta be Italian"

With the under carriage exhaust that leaves the rear wheel wide open & those big twin pipes snaking along the left side & the Italian style she always draws a crowd even at bike nights where the majority are cruisers.

I get asked a lot if it is a custom build I like to reply: "Well it is hand made".

I'm still shocked at the amount of compliments I get on this exhaust sound and build quality. Harley guys to super bikes the compliments have been insane. The bike gets seen in a completely different light by the guys I ride with.
Hi Everyone, first time posting here so apologies if trouble shooting is in the wrong place. I'm installing my 2>1 exhaust and and running into a few issues believe it or not.

1) I didn't receive any clamps or "spring" as mentioned in step 7 above in Todd's original post. I literally just got the pipes and exhaust slip on. Is this right or am I missing some pieces?
2) My existing exhaust flanges don't want to slip over the end of the header pipes, I'm not sure if this is because I had mine black high temp coated or not? (by Todd) (photo attached)

Essentially wondering which way people slipped their flanges on to the header pipes (long way or short end?) and if people just used their own clamps and spring to secure the full exhaust system together or not?



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Thanks for the info, glad I didn't force it! What about the mention of the "spring". I noticed the exahust slip on and "Y" pipe have a little hooked bracket that seems like something could connect the two pieces.
Hi Steve, I replied to this via email also... by design, you do not use the clamshell shims. Simply slide the flanges over the pipe from the other end. My new v2.0 system is slip fit, meaning no clamps.
There should have been a spring to hold the muffler on in the box along with the bolt and bracket for the frame mount. Use loctite on all of those bolts, and check all for tightness frequently over the first few weeks.
Just a teaser post for those of you thinking about Todd's 2>1 exhaust.

I'm never considered myself an exhaust note connoisseur, and I've never changed the exhaust on a bike just for the sound. I was lucky to have bought a V7 that the previous owner had installed Todd's V7 2>1 exhaust system on, but I can't say that I really ever listened to it (from an 'exhaust note appreciation' point of view.) It is louder than the stock exhaust, such that I always wear ear plugs when riding - whereas with the stock exhaust I never felt it necessary, and this is probably a large part of the reason that I don't feel as if I really ever really considered how the exhaust sounds.

Perhaps the first time that I listened to the 2>1 system was at one point during the V7/V9 ride that Todd organized back at the beginning of summer. One of the other V7's in had the 2>1 system, and as we were listening to the bikes come down the mountain Todd made a casual comment about how good the exhaust on that bike sounded. Standing there and listening to the tones reverberate off of the mountain and not wearing any ear plugs, with a broad smile I actually had to agree.

Fast-forward to yesterday and a 300 mile round trip from Sunland to Arrowhead, one of my buddies with whom I hadn't ridden for a long time, made the comment that the exhaust on my bike was loud but that it sounded good. He repeated that it sounded good later, and then he went on to say, at another point, that it had the best exhaust note of any after-market set up that he had seen. By the end of the day, he concluded by stating that it was the best sounding exhaust that he had ever heard, period!

So take that, Todd! :)
Is there anyone with actual experience of both the 2-1 original mount Meg V2.0 and Mistral shorties without DB killers installed, that could offer an opinion on which setup has the loudest output?
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Does anyone have actual experience of both the 2-1 original mount Meg and Mistral shorties without DB killers installed, that could offer an opinion on which setup has the loudest output?
That would be me. We can custom make whatever you'd like loudness wise. As we deliver as shown, I would say sound in db is similar. If you want louder, we can make it so. ;)
That would be me. We can custom make whatever you'd like loudness wise. As we deliver as shown, I would say sound in db is similar. If you want louder, we can make it so. ;)
No I don't want Louder :)
If I was ordering one what wording would I use to make the request and how close too street legal can you go before losing the nice raspy note or losing some of the power I've gained with your re-flash, I currently run the mistrals without DBK's but am pushing some friendships.
As a teen in Australia the first Guzzi i ever noticed was with a group of 900ss Ducatis, it had a 2-1 with what I think was an open Conti Meg, That exhaust note is the primary reason I always promised myself a guzzi. I would appreciate a recommendation on this, anything around the Db level of the mistrals with the killers in might be a starting point.
Should I email "sales" for a quote on shipping to Australia?
Thanks again for running this great web site, I get a lot out of it.
I would appreciate a recommendation on this, anything around the Db level of the mistrals with the killers in might be a starting point.
Should I email "sales" for a quote on shipping to Australia?
Thanks again for running this great web site, I get a lot out of it.
Very good, we can make the sound close to any of the basic designs with db-killers in, yes. Use the website for pricing with shipping. And we'll likely just need a little more for the db-killer design.
Very welcome on the site. Appreciate the generous contribution!