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Norge windshield motor no longer works

The windshield motor in my '07 Norge crapped out almost immed after purchase 3/08. Dealer put in warranty claim, was told would take a while cause Piaggio told him there had been lots of problems with them & they were in process of redesign. Dealer's mechanic at the time confirmed repeated problems. He thought it had to do with some press fit thing that didn't stay pressed. Approx 1 month later new, supposedly redesigned motor arrived. 2+ years & 20k miles later, still works totally fine. I move the screen up & down whenever I feel like it, irrespective or whether or not bike is in motion. Seems to me logical that while wind pressure might increase strain on apparatus when moving in one direction, likely would aid it in the opposite direction. Go figure.
Pulled the motor out to see if I could use the windshield as a manual up and down. It seems to work okay, albeit I have not taken it for a ride yet. I tested the motor with a battery charger and it seemed to turn fine, so i am not sire if the motor crapped out or something else is causing the problem. Plugged the motor back into the system and pushed the down and up button and there was nothing. So I believe there is a contact problem between the buttons and the motor. Before I could make the motor have a creaking sound, but no movement in the auger screw. Everything works freely in the mechanism, albeit it is a wee bit on the flimsy side. The bummer is if MG has redesigned the mechanism are they going to retrofit all the ones that are prone to crapping out. Probably not.
I bought my 2008 Norge in 2009, so if they were working on a fix I figure the bike still has the old motor and I'm not about to pay $700.00 to replace it. Besides the other issues, mine also seems to have a contact problem. It also works intermittently with no rhyme or reason. I should find my build date maybe I still have warranty.
Yesterday I went to Americade, about a 250 mile jaunt too and from. As I said earlier, I had removed the windshield up and down motor because it stopped working. I was in hopes that the windshield would work as a manual one, which it does standing still. When riding with the shield in the up position it will work its way to the down position depending on the road surface. In New England the road surface is not the best. I would like to figure out how to make the windshield stay in the up position. I really don't want to replace the electric motor at the $700.00 price tag, especially since it may be something else that is wrong. My thought was to somehow install 2 friction washers that could be tightened and loosened. Shouldn't be to hard to figure out.
I figured out how to convert the power windshield into a manual one. I installed 2 compression springs between the lift mechanism and the windshield motor mount. This causes spring pressure to the lift mechanism and will keep it in the up position. Sounds kind of confusing, but is actually a simple fix. The springs I used are rather stout, probably one would have done the job.
Ok. So the screen stopped working-stuck in the full up position.
When I engage the down button I can hear a click (relay) but no actuation of the motor.
Anybody point me in the right direction?
Oh oh.

Recall several threads on that, and think lots of sad faces.

If fried, the OEM replacement is stooooopid expensive. Attempts to find same motor elsewhere failed.

I have been so afraid of that result, I grease the elevating screw frequently and don't raise or lower on the move.

Good luck with that and keep us posted. Hope someone here has better news than my handwringing.

Try moving the shield up and down by hand. Not hard but mainly just a touch. My 2007 windshield motor went but it was actually the screw. The motor still worked. Tried to wiggle the shield and it went all the way down and stayed there. The funny part was a dealer, not my regular one, was showing a prospective customer customer how the shield worked on my bike since he didn't have one. I don't think it left a good impression but at least it was under warranty. I use my adjustment as little as possible ever since.
Well, she IS Italian. So, I sat and had a talk with the bike, promised my best bottle of Super Tuscan, and she relented.
Works a treat now! Go figure.
Ah, so fickle. Decided to not adjust again! The saga continues........

If it's intermittent, chances are it's the motor or the connections to it. The wiring where it actually attached to the motor is every bit as sturdy and well-designed as that for the starter - and even lighter gauge. Last I checked (when I bought a new motor myself) the price had moderated, and availability was good.
I'm assuming I need to remove the nose cone?
I'll learn from you if you don't mind.

You need to remove the windshield and the trim cover beneath it that overlays the motor and mechanism. You do not need to remove anything else of the bodywork, but access to some nuts and such will be tricky (surprise!). Some small flex-head ratchet wrenches are helpful, mostly in 8mm sizes as I recall. As you disassemble, note the location, orientation and position of each of the parts for the mechanism, since you'll need to return them to those positions as you re-assemble. You may also wish to manually move the block on the travel thread above the motor to a location that provides best access to the various mounting screws, since if they are too close to each other you may have trouble reaching them all during reassembly.
I had all sorts of intermittent issues on my Norge concerning the windscreen. I stripped the inner fairing cover off as per the manual, all the body work and tank so I could get a good look at everything and found another connector for the windscreen along the left side in the steering head area and it was not properly put together . Once I had re-seated the connector I've had no problems since.
i raised it to highest position when i got it two years ago and havent had any need to move it since. I thought the motor allowed you to easily find a height that worked for you and thats it. i cant see why i would want to keep changing it ?
Handy when you want more breeze for cooling, less wind noise for the intercom, easier to look over on a bumpy, rutted, hilly possibly gravel road. Many times a minor change makes it easier. I have run into all those situations. I still only move it seldom. I can go for several rides and never move it.
On mine I found the OEM windscreen was always all the way up and still not what I wanted. Since it went up and down a couple inches I cut a California Scientific screen that came with the bike but not on it to 1" taller than stock. I figured I could put it in the middle and have a bit up and down. Turns out the wider screen causes me to keep it all the way down almost always as I can barely see over it. It is quiet up and looking through it but I hate looking through a screen. I guess I have to cut another inch off.
Ill agree with that. Lower provides more air when it's warm. All the way up is better for long miles on the interstate to get to the good stuff.
A medium CalSci with a MRA wing is the ticket for me.
i have changed the stock screen for a larger one, but can still see over it at full setting. doesnt get that hot here that that i worry about more air to cool me.