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Wall of moronic shame...


Staff member
GT di Razza Pura
Jul 1, 2009
This thread will house the incredibly arrogant and ignorant rants of those who think it’s OK to to be pompous asshats, to put it as nicely as I can. As stated from another L.A. Moto business...

3B83175E 2ADC 44CA 88A7 2A59EA70A177
Have you been paid by toad or are you toad? Because toad is an incompetent and you can find everything he sells for cheaper if you just google it.
Ok let’s see how long does it take ot remove this thread 3,2,1...
Let's see, in addition to YOU being clueless and incompetent, you don't read, listen or respect anyone here enough to simply take any advice... More so know-it-all attitude, though you can't do anything, whether by yourself or as instructed, and you ignorantly tried to make others wrong in an attempt to make yourself right.
Trying to leave a one star review for an item that you didn't purchase on my online Store, though and after I told you it was not the correct one, is childish. Grow up, and learn how to spell and speak English. You will soon learn why my pricing is the way it is. I have worked for ~20 years making sure what I sell fits and works properly, and often includes things you can’t buy elsewhere (I make them). This is not a free social networking website where moronic attitudes are tolerated. Find another website to align your pettiness with. No wonder the dealer quoted you what they did. That special fee was applied for people like you.
Attacking the owner of the website, on his website, is idiotic, which defines you. Well done. Goodbye... you are now banned.
Another one... thanks to this person, we will NEVER sell to the Asian market ever again. Those who ask will get pointed to this post.

From: Chao Yu Tiao
Sent: Thursday, August 5, 2021 9:19pm
What I bought is the Agostini Long mufflers.
Is it the same you sent to me?

We responded with:
They no longer make the long version, they did not tell us. We shipped them the same day they arrived. Sorry. If you want a refund, we will have to work with Agostini in Italy when they reopen. Let us know.

From: Chao Yu Tiao
Sent: Fri, Aug 6, 2021 at 8:35 pm
The only thing I’ve read is you can only know how the push responsibilities to agostini.
My order is to you, n now you talking about agostini?
That how you Americans do business?
You didn’t check the style don’t you?
Like what I mentioned in mail right?
That’s a fu**** big joke to me.
And that is your problem!
Not mine,not agostini.
It’s yours.
Based on information provided by you, I agree with the customer.
Did you leave something out ?
Nope. Thanks, I still have months of surgery recovery.
I refer to the photo at the top of this thread. I bend over backwards to those who are nice. Mistakes happen. Don’t be a dick. Edit: I fielded dozens of email from him demanding shipping information from the minute he purchased online, which is clearly stated we do not stock them. They are brought in on paid order as stated, then in turn threatening me.
I won’t waste any more of my time on this.

Based on information provided by you, I agree with the customer.

Did you leave something out ?


What the hell Dave? Seriously…

I’d hate to have you darken my shop doorstep if you think that is appropriate conduct on the part of the customer.

The Chinese customer is rude, impetuous and just plain wrong.

Every manufacturer reserves the right to make technical or aesthetic changes as engineering needs dictate. They don’t always publish this new information to their distributors or dealers. Also, Italy is again, reeling from Covid and most of the country is not operating right now.

Assuming this is the V7 iii long and short version, I took the time to look at both pipes online, and the length difference looks to be a couple inches at best.

I find Todds explanation to customer to be honest, straightforward and gracious.

I find the Chinese man’s post to be rude, offensive, and just plain combative.

It’s the epitome of a farce to have somebody from China claim how all Americans do business! China is rife with corruption, crooks, shysters, and is the motherland of all lies! The Chinese will screw you over time and time again. I refuse to buy anything from them because of this behavior.

Unexpected things happen in life and business. We live in a world where the majority of people, simply want to pay as little as possible for anything at all. However, they want to be treated as something special and if anything is not absolutely perfect, well then they feel that being abusive is justified because after all, you are just a slave anyway, right? Wrong.

All the guy had to say was a simple, “Thank you for the clarification. I understand. Given this new information, I would like to return them please. How should we proceed?”, like normal, civilized, polite people would act.

I’ve bought many things from Todd. Most all without issues at all.

Once, we tried to get OEM heated grips for my 1200 Sport. After waiting for Italy for several months, Todd received notice that they were now discontinued. I didn’t yell at Todd. What for? He plainly told me the facts and said he’d refund my money which he did upon my request. Simple, polite.

Over the last several months, I have encountered some very abusive customers. I used to try and smooth over the situation by ignoring their abuse except some are unrelenting. Nothing will please them. At that point in time, I just tell them to leave and never come back.

Funny thing is, in my business (motorcycle service & repair) all of us mechanics and shop/dealership owners, know each other. We are friends or at least, civilized businessmen to each other, and it is amazingly consistent how the same customers who act like this, have been banned from every shop within 100 miles!

Bottom line is “NICENESS COUNTS!”

Don’t be a Dick!
Last edited:
What the hell Dave? Seriously…
Thanks a ton Scott. I thought I was seriously losing my mind.

I'm so easy to work with it's not funny... however start insulting me, and my Italian blood will come to a boil fast.
The part # didn't change. I got the box in, and out the same day. No reason to unpack and inspect unless the box was damaged. Silly me I guess. Agostini told me on the last day they were open (for the August Holiday) that they are now only shipping the shorter version they sent. They do clearly have the normal caveats on their website about style, colors, etc.

I'd really like to get the bottom of why people think it's OK to be insulting and/or get indignant with me both via email and here on this/my website.

I'm less than 5 days into recovery from a massive back surgery, which is a 90+ day total recovery time, on top of everything else.
I just saw these posts and the gall and rudeness of people just never ceases to amaze me. The idea that a customer thinks that they are going to get a positive result by insulting the business owner for something beyond his control is stupid. I have been doing business with Todd for several years and know he will go to great lengths to make a customer happy. I have owned my own business before retiring and I know that some customers are never going to be happy and complain. Those are the ones you show the door and tell never to come back.
Absolutely Todd!

Those of us on this side of the counter, understand.

We’re not young lions anymore my friend and that’s one hell of a surgery, so I wish you a speedy and successful recovery!
One of the best lessons I learned early on was how to fire the customer. Some people just can't be made happy and it's not worth the ulcer factor to try. The feed back from your good customers far outweighs the asshats.
Wish you all the best on your healing. I go in Wed. for full length MRI to see if they want to slice on my 72 year old backside.
" Sorry. If you want a refund, we will have to work with Agostini in Italy when they reopen. Let us know."

I mean... that seems pretty reasonable? I wonder if this customer missed the 'we' part here, and thought you were telling them to go deal with Agostini themselves.

I'm not sure you should write off the whole Asian market based on this guy tho. I would have written off the US long ago employing a similar strategy!
I mean... that seems pretty reasonable? I wonder if this customer missed the 'we' part here, and thought you were telling them to go deal with Agostini themselves.
Possibly. People read nothing these days.
I'm not sure you should write off the whole Asian market based on this guy tho. I would have written off the US long ago employing a similar strategy!
This is by far the first from that region I've had problems like this on, so with what little business I do there, it's just not worth it to me.

This is by far the first from that region I've had problems like this on, so with what little business I do there, it's just not worth it to me.

yea, I kinda figured if this was just the latest. fair enough!
What the hell Dave? Seriously…

I’d hate to have you darken my shop doorstep if you think that is appropriate conduct on the part of the customer.

The Chinese customer is rude, impetuous and just plain wrong.

Every manufacturer reserves the right to make technical or aesthetic changes as engineering needs dictate. They don’t always publish this new information to their distributors or dealers. Also, Italy is again, reeling from Covid and most of the country is not operating right now.

Assuming this is the V7 iii long and short version, I took the time to look at both pipes online, and the length difference looks to be a couple inches at best.

I find Todds explanation to customer to be honest, straightforward and gracious.

I find the Chinese man’s post to be rude, offensive, and just plain combative.

It’s the epitome of a farce to have somebody from China claim how all Americans do business! China is rife with corruption, crooks, shysters, and is the motherland of all lies! The Chinese will screw you over time and time again. I refuse to buy anything from them because of this behavior.

Unexpected things happen in life and business. We live in a world where the majority of people, simply want to pay as little as possible for anything at all. However, they want to be treated as something special and if anything is not absolutely perfect, well then they feel that being abusive is justified because after all, you are just a slave anyway, right? Wrong.

All the guy had to say was a simple, “Thank you for the clarification. I understand. Given this new information, I would like to return them please. How should we proceed?”, like normal, civilized, polite people would act.

I’ve bought many things from Todd. Most all without issues at all.

Once, we tried to get OEM heated grips for my 1200 Sport. After waiting for Italy for several months, Todd received notice that they were now discontinued. I didn’t yell at Todd. What for? He plainly told me the facts and said he’d refund my money which he did upon my request. Simple, polite.

Over the last several months, I have encountered some very abusive customers. I used to try and smooth over the situation by ignoring their abuse except some are unrelenting. Nothing will please them. At that point in time, I just tell them to leave and never come back.

Funny thing is, in my business (motorcycle service & repair) all of us mechanics and shop/dealership owners, know each other. We are friends or at least, civilized businessmen to each other, and it is amazingly consistent how the same customers who act like this, have been banned from every shop within 100 miles!

Bottom line is “NICENESS COUNTS!”

Don’t be a Dick!

Agreed, the customer could have been more rational. Maybe he should begin a practice of writing his e-mail and then re-reading it the next day before sending. Doesn't he have a point though about having the seller, GTM, verifying that what they are shipping is what was actually ordered? I get it that from the service side of the desk that it is easy to think as customers as a problem (" a dick"...) and I am sure that some are so, you do what you stated; refuse to do business with them going forward.

I too have had ordered an item (manufactured by GTM) that must have been sent to me "blindly" (not checking that it was the correct item). Things happen, it was no big deal for me and Todd corrected it as soon as I contacted him to ask about it.

In your business, and many others, it is common that the world gets very small and people know each other and know about those who are difficult to deal with and those who are a pleasure to deal with. Your business is not unique.

I choose to be open minded.

Doesn't he have a point though about having the seller, GTM, verifying that what they are shipping is what was actually ordered?

Well I do believe that Todd said that the part arrived fully packaged and bearing the exact same part number. He had absolutely no reason to believe anything was different and in addition, the factory had made to announcement that anything was different. So from his point of view, he did verify that it was what was ordered.

Bottom line is, mistakes happen but this wasn’t a mistake. This was an unannounced change of policy by the manufacturer of which Todd got the heat for when all the gentleman had to do was like I stated previously.
Did Chao Yu Tiao ever prove the error photographically or by it being witnessed by some other means?
It's easy to claim fault and then go 'fruck you' but not so easy when the customer ordered part numbered XYZ, got part XYZ only to find that they will have to work with the chain of distribution to correct.
Appears that he doesn't want to work with that chain and is simply lashing out.
Not exclusively an Asian thing though.
I ran a guitar repair business in San Diego a decade ago. I had about a half-dozen established competitors around the area and we had a "jungle telegraph" for sharing info on the chronic malcontents that are legion in the guitar business.

Now and then one of us would get a guy at the counter complaining about this or that other shop. I always interrupted the complainer by telling him I didn't fancy my shop being the NEXT one he complained about. That tactic never failed to leave the whiner momentarily speechless.