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Bad luck...again.


Cruisin' Guzzisti
Aug 2, 2013
Well, guess I'll be ordering a new kickstand. Funny how you go from riding to not riding in the blink of an eye.

Was trying to put the rear up on my new pit bull stand and sure enough, the sumbitch must've slid over to the left as I tried to lift it off the ground. This wasn't the first try and I had made sure to clear the kickstand.

As I'm going up I see the spring fall to the ground. The tab that holds the spring broke off. Fuuuuuck!
Between broken bolts inside the bike and now this, I want to scream. Hopefully replacing the kickstand isn't a pain in the ass to install.

Pics show where it broke off at the kickstand, and the piece.

Fuckin A...the Matris shocks look awesome though, that's one good thing I got out of this! Too bad I can't test them out just yet. Womp womp... Photo 1 Photo 2
Now I'm not even sure if this piece is part of the kickstand or not...hmmm, need to take a closer look. Is welding it back on an option perhaps?
Welding the broken bit back on is a viable option. Just do it with the stand removed.

This tab isn't even attached to the kickstand now that I think about it. I haven't been able to look again, but I think it's on the frame. I think my only option is welding I think.
Not sure which V7 you have. If you have to weld on the frame, disconnect and remove the ECU, or if you can't remove the ECU, at least disconnect it to protect it from any transient voltage that may be induced by welding.
Not sure which V7 you have. If you have to weld on the frame, disconnect and remove the ECU, or if you can't remove the ECU, at least disconnect it to protect it from any transient voltage that may be induced by welding.

Yea removing the ECU is not really an option because I don't want to go through all that again...it's a pain in the ass on the 2013 V7. Will disconnecting it suffice?
So, can anyone else confirm that the rear side stand spring tab is welded to the frame? I am almost positive that it is and it is not a separate bolt on part, which means welding is pretty much my only option as far as I can tell. I just want to see if someone else is seeing something I'm not...it's kinda tight down there. Thanks.

PS Im assuming this tab is some form of steel, not aluminum? It looks awfully brittle/weak where it broke off.
John, do you mean the pit bull stand or the side stand? I would imagine you're referring to the pit bull stand, but just making sure.

Referring to the side stand if that is what you will be welding. Now from newer posts, it looks like the frame piece broke off.
The spring attaches on one end to the chassis/motor and on the other to the stand.
A magnet will tell you whether the tab you have is steel or aluminum. If it is steel I would think it is a chassis tab and if it is aluminum I would think it was attached to the stand. But I do not have a V7 to confirm. If you check the broken piece you have with a magnet and then check the stand and the chassis you should be able to tell which end it came from.
Will a TPS reset be needed in order for the bike to run after it's unplugged and plugged back in?
As long as the key isn't turned on while it's off, then no... but as John states, always best to check/verify.
Got a new tab welded on today. Back riding, thank god!

A buddy of mine Jeff Yarrington works at 515 Moto (Monster Craftsman parent company) right here in Baltimore City. He hooked me up.

Thanks for all the tips, especially the one about unplugging the ECU, because I honestly wouldn't have thought about that.

I'm a little nervous about using the rear stand again though! :)
Take a deep breath through your mouth and breath out through your nose.

Some of us have been in these difficulties.

Think of it as Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
I think you're supposed to breathe in through the nose, and out of the mouth. Nose hair filters out pollution/particulates, etc.
No one has yet addressed the original problem, that it's too easy to mangle the side stand with the Pit Bull rear lift. It seems to me that "there otta be" a way to design these so they don't have to positioned exactly the right way under the bike. Not knocking Pit Bull, I'm sure they make good products, but this one just seems too easy to mis-position, especially by newbies. It's an expensive lesson.
No one has yet addressed the original problem, that it's too easy to mangle the side stand with the Pit Bull rear lift. It seems to me that "there otta be" a way to design these so they don't have to positioned exactly the right way under the bike. Not knocking Pit Bull, I'm sure they make good products, but this one just seems too easy to mis-position, especially by newbies. It's an expensive lesson.

I agree with you 100%.

I'm honestly scared to use it again, and I need to use it again. The scoops maybe could've been designed a little less wide? I don't know. And you kinda need another person holding the bike upright because when it's on the side stand the 2 scoops do not fit under the crossbar evenly, and then the lift shifts and hits other parts of the bike.

Not blaming Pitbull at all, and the build quality of the stands is excellent, but it's just too close for comfort.

And I paid the price for it. Now, that may be mainly due to my inexperience, but I feel like it could happen to the best of them also.
Bummer about your mishap. Was this the Pit Bull stand that is supposed to be specifically for the V7 or was it different Pit Bull stand? I'm curious because I was considering the PB stand but maybe now I'll look elsewhere.