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CARC protector triggered service light?


Tuned and Synch'ed
Aug 1, 2013
I just installed a CARC protector on my 2010 Griso. Went for a quick ride and not 5 minutes in I got the "red triangle" warning light and the "!Service" message. The bike has only 3500 miles and had been sitting for about 5 days. Any ideas before I take it in to get the code read?
Doubt the CARC protector had anything to do with it unless you disturbed the rear wheel sensor. With the service code, you can get the fault codes yourself. The codes are listed in the CARC section.
Alright then. With the help of the correct diagnostic code (12425), I was able to unlock the another series of menus. There was one for dashboard errors and ECU errors. Dashboard returned "x's" in the memo column for two codes: 02 and 07.

According to Todd's post (https://www.guzzitech.com/forum/196/7966), dashboard 02 = key not present or transponder broken. Well, since the key was indeed present, not sure what that means, other than an old code still in memory? The other code dashboard 07 = oil sensor fault DSB. Don't like the sound of that.

I also found one ECU error that showed an "x" in the active column: ECU 56 = Vehicle speed. Have not a clue what this means.

The menu allowed for deleting codes and resetting service, so I tried them both. I was successfully able to erase the error codes, but the "!Service" warning remains lit on the dashboard, along with the red warning triangle. Any thoughts?
Two thoughts for two known issues:
- Oil Sensor - there is an oil pressure sensor on top of the V of teh engine - a bugger to get to but is known to cause this issue. Some have replaced 2 or 3 times as there seems to be a dodgy batch in circulation;
- Vehicle Speed - Could be water in the front wheel sensor on the r/h fork leg - Have you been riding in the wet or washing your bike? Remove, dry with a hair dryer, re-assemble with waterproof sealer and this should be good to go.

The second is a little rarer than the first, and if you are getting the first, you MUST attend to it. The part is not expensive but is a little bit of a bugger to do - some have claimed they can do it without removing the airbox, but the exhaust will need to come of the l/h cylinder to see it - it might even be a loose connector (electrical) on top!

Post when you discover/rectify - any other questions, post here.
Thanks for the input Tony. But I must admit I'm still perplexed. As for vehicle speed, no, I haven't washed the bike and it hasn't been run in the wet since I took ownership about 1000 miles ago. In fact, it had been sitting in my very dry garage for 5 days before the service popped up.

As for the oil sensor, according to the code guide, 07 is oil sensor and 08 is oil pressure sensor. My code is 07. Is there another sensor, perhaps temp, somewhere else? This is starting to sound like a visit it Malibu is in order. But can I ride it there or does it have to be trailered?

Not expecting you to have all the answers, Tony, just throwing them out there!
Oil Sensor and Oil Pressure sensor are, I believe, one and the same. From memory (don't trust it - I don't) the oil sensor looks when starting and then moves to oil pressure when the engine is running. It would be the switch for the Oil Sensor is the suspect. Others may have a better explanation, but I believe it is all one and the same beastie.

The speed sensor error may also be caused by the oil sensor. Microprocessors (as in the dash and ECU) sometimes report the last known "good" signal as an error when they fail to step into the next piece of code. Microsoft is very good at this and often report an issue with one thing when in reality it is the next thing it has issues with. Unfortunately for us, we can only react to what is presented to us. At least it's somewhere around there...
If you haven't had any dashboars speed errors or the display hasn't gone weird then its just had a brain fart. Nothing to worry about.

With the oil pressure alert? When the oil filter was last changed was it pre-filled before installation? If not then he time taken to fill the filter before pressure builds will trigger an alert. Just delete the errors and see if they come back immediately. If they do? Then and only then you might have a problem.

With the Griso having an external oil filter any leakage will be obvious and immediate. If it isn't leaking it is not, unless it has thrown up the oil pressure light and an oil can icon on the dashboard, be about to melt into a pool of slag.

If you loose oil pressure the plain bearings will die in seconds. Not minutes, seconds. The fact your bike still functions shows its all good.

Stop worrying. Delete the errors. Go ride.

Just to clarify, the Griso speed sensor is at the back. If you fitted a CARC protector you may have seen it. If it gets wet it can fail and cause a "SERVICE" message on the dash (obviously when this happens the speedo does not show the speed correctly). If you were to pinch the wire for the sensor when installing the CARC protector it might also cause that issue.
There is much discussion here about sealing the speed sensor to prevent it from failing when wet (mine would fail in the rain). The main question there is does the speed read correctly or not. If it does then the speed sensor is likely not the issue.
Any of the other sensors could also trigger the "SERVICE" banner.
The oil fault is a common one in memory as Pete mentioned.
If resetting the codes does not resolve it you may want to look into it further.
Thanks to all for taking the time to share your insights, wisdom and experience. I think GuzziMoto may have the answer. There is some type of sensor attached to the upper bolt on the real caliper; I will check into it tonight to see if that solves the problem. The only active error code was the ECU 56 "vehicle speed" code. The other error codes were in the "memo" category.
Paul, I suspect either you may have pinched the speedo sensor wire, or it's disconnected in some fashion. That's the warning code you're seeing for sure. I'll be watching.
Thanks Todd.

Actually, I should point out that John Zibell nailed it right off the bat with the second post in this thread. I just had no idea what he was talking about! Anyway, I'll see what's up this evening.
No, that fitting on the top calliper bolt is simply bracket. The sensor sits on the inside of the top of the drive box. Follow the cable round from the bracket and you'll find the sensor. If when you were installing the CARC 'Protector' the sensor cable got pinched or stretched this could be a contributory factor to your problem.
My experience with seeing the red triangle/service icon has been limited to the oil pressure sensor (07). When this appears, you are looking at a "live" fault, not a memorized one. In my case, I had an oil sensor that was offering an open circuit upon switch on, hence the instigation of the service icon. It appeared more often when the motor was hot, implying that the sensor needed more time to close after the oil pressure subsided on switch off.

The cure was to replace the sensor with the genuine part, not one for another Guzzi model. What the difference is I have no idea.
So, umm.... the verdict is in: pinched wire courtesy yours truly. Wow, I only had TWO bolts to deal with and still I got it very wrong. Quite embarrassed to admit it that I really squished the life outta that sending wire for the speedo unit. The service light is not going away anytime soon until I fix that wire. But at least it's good to know it's not a more serious issue.

I need take a ride to shake this off. But thanks to all for the pointers!
Code 07 is from the check done by the ECU at switch on. If it sees an open circuit on the oil pressure switch it flags the problem. Usually down to a faulty switch or bad connection somewhere.
Code 08 is when the ECU sees a closed circuit in the oil pressure switch when the engine is running, suggesting a lack of oil pressure. If this ever comes on when the engine is running, take it seriously.