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Chuck in Indiana's OUCH


Staff member
GT di Razza Pura
Jul 1, 2009
Chuck sent me a little note regarding a fall-down last weekend. His wife Dorcia suffered a broken wrist.


Hiya Todd!
I'm fine, Dorcia will be. If I had my California armored knuckle gloves I wouldn't have a scratch. Ate a hole in my elkskin ropers at one knuckle during the slide. <shrug>
I really thought out there would be where I'd have the most chance of crashing. :) Not poking around on an old V700.
Unless plans change, we won't be back out until Christmas or thereabouts. Tell everyone hey for me.
More words...
Dorcia says thanks for the outpouring of sympathy, both here and PMs. It *really does* make her feel better. Oh, and thanks from me, too. ;)
The doc at the hand clinic in Indy gave us the :huh: at what had been done medically. Looked at the X-ray for about one nanosecond and said, "not good." He's waiting for the swelling to go down, and he'll operate next Tuesday. I'm sure she'll be OK. For those who asked about her back, no problem. Thankfully.
Needless to say, I feel *really* bad about getting her hurt..it broke my heart to have her laying on the ground beside me crying.
What happened? Dunno. We were starting into a turn, everything felt normal, and suddenly we low sided and were sliding on the frame. Nicky couldn't have saved that one, I think. ;) My first thought was WTF?? Back when I was in my 20s I rode dirt bikes exclusively, and I know how to crash. I've done the low side, the high side, been picked off by a tree limb.. Shocked and the infamous "flying W" countless times.
At any rate, she forgot to ball her hands and cross her arms over her chest to keep them from flailing around, and that's probably where the broken wrist came from.
All our gear is trashed. It did it's job. If we had been wearing the gay pirate suit I *wouldn't* be typing this.. just sayin.. Thanks again.
OUCH?? Make that a YIKES! Reminds me of my own low-side, but that one was minor compared to what I see here. Thank goodness you're (or will be) both OK.
Seems you were lucky to get away from the bike, though (don't think a modern Guzzi will be recognisable after burning).

The gear is without consequence, did its job as you said. But the bike, little chance she'll run again I presume?
RJVB wrote:
OUCH?? Make that a YIKES! Reminds me of my own low-side, but that one was minor compared to what I see here. Thank goodness you're (or will be) both OK.
Seems you were lucky to get away from the bike, though (don't think a modern Guzzi will be recognisable after burning).

The gear is without consequence, did its job as you said. But the bike, little chance she'll run again I presume?

When we stopped sliding, we were about 15 feet from the bike. It was on fire before it left the road, and was really blazing when I first looked up. You could see fuel or fuel vapor pouring out of the tank filler neck. My son and his sweetie were with us on his V11S. Nora is a trauma nurse and said we shouldn't move her, but in this case let's make an exception and get the F out of here.. ;)
All's well that ends well, the machine is only a machine (although it had all the kool V700 only stuff on it) and the only reason you wear gear is to crash in. :cheer:
I would really doubt that I'd want to salvage anything.
Bummer, Chuck, but glad to hear no really serious injuries, that's what counts. The rest is just money & replaceable.
Well Chuck, since you're taking this lightly enough ... the thoughts "lawn ornament" and "industrial art sculpture" did come across my mind when I saw the pic ;)
bummer! Chuck and Dorcia hope for speedy recovery, we miss you. Vickie sends her best wishes and said to heal quick.
jdgretz wrote:
As we say in aviation - any forced landing you can walk away from is a good forced landing.

Glad you are both (relatively) OK.


Being able to get the doors open is a plus.. :cheer:
Hey Chuck, really sorry about your go-down-- 2-up is the worst, no matter how serious. Glad to hear you're already back in the saddle. Quick healing to you and the missus!
Sorry you had the accident. Glad personal damages are not worse. Get well soon