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New ECU - Need Code


Just got it firing!
May 30, 2017
Sheridan, Wyoming
I know there is a ton of information in past threads about the bike not starting with "enter code" as the only option. Here's my dilemma:
I have a 2008 Norge that I bought from a dealer and I don't know who the previous owner is. The ECU died, I replaced it (no small task) and went to start the bike up and it says "enter code". I have both keys and read the thread on how to get the code recovered, but I cannot get to the main menu because my only option is "enter code".
I have tried 00000, 11111, 22222, 12345, 54321, 28315, etc. = not working. Any ideas?
Find out who the previous owner was for the bike. Hopefully they can tell you the user code. I recommend setting the user code to the maintenance code but that isn't always done.

John, are user codes set at factory and same for all ECU's ( or not ECU-specific and instead to some other fixed aspect of the machine? -- unless a subsequent owner or dealer resets? Unless the PO -- that the OP says he doesn't know -- changed it, would it thus be same on all Norges, etc.?

I like your idea of using the maintenance code. I set mine on purchase to the zip code of where I lived (at the time :think:) and think I'll do that now.

Surely the dealer -- if still around! -- could try to contact PO (with, naturally, a "bribe" to dealer for the effort ;)) and see if that person remembers.

I thought there was a discussion on this forum about recovering codes, but am off on a ride and no time to search.

Buon fortuna to the OP!

So I have tried every code for every model from every thread on this forum. I have a email in to the dealer I bought it from 3 yeas ago to see if they can find the former owner. If he doesn't remember it (or is dead), is it possible to reset it? Is there some sort of put in the first key and then the second within 20 seconds, pull it out, shoot a beer and a shot of whiskey, spin in a circle clockwise, sing Little Lion Man backwards, and then left blinker, right blinker and then it will start?

I can't imagine I'm the first person to have this problem...
So I have tried every code for every model from every thread on this forum. I have a email in to the dealer I bought it from 3 yeas ago to see if they can find the former owner. If he doesn't remember it (or is dead), is it possible to reset it? Is there some sort of put in the first key and then the second within 20 seconds, pull it out, shoot a beer and a shot of whiskey, spin in a circle clockwise, sing Little Lion Man backwards, and then left blinker, right blinker and then it will start?

I can't imagine I'm the first person to have this problem...

By the way, where is the user code stored? Is it in the ECU? If so, I just replaced the ECU and I would have to go back to the people I bought the ECU from, not the original guy who had the bike before me...

One other question, I kept reading in other threads that you can just ignore it. Do I just wait a while and it will start up anyway?

Thanks for your help everyone!
This is all fully documented in both the owners manual and the service manual. Both are available in the downloads section to contributing members on the site.

You need to Read...

Also, yes, the code is stored in the ECU, so if you have a NEW ECU, you should have received either a new MASTER KEY or it should default to the standard code.

The problem here is you are talking Apples vs Oranges.

There is a code to access the SERVICE MENU on each model bike. It is model specific and unchangeable.

There is another code, which some people set to mimic the SERVICE MENU code. This code is the User code for overriding the ECU Theft deterrent system.

It is this code which you need!

Again, as I suspect you have bought a USED ECU, unless you know this code, you are dead in the water! Literally. Only a dealer can re-initialize a new key with their diagnostic Navigator.

If you had bought a new ECU, then it should have come with a Master Key to program other keys.

You cannot just ignore this and no, it will not let you just start the bike if you wait. It’s designed to prevent theft.

This is from the the Stelvio Service Manual but you can find the same thing in the Norge manual.


Thank you for that clear info. So my options are: 1)to get the user code from the people who sold me the ECU, or if they don't have it, 2) order a new ECU from a dealer with a new key and code. Otherwise I am going to spend 833 hours (30 seconds per code guess) guessing the right code.

Just a side point - in looking back at the previous threads on similar topics in this forum, the more experienced users keep saying JUST READ the manual. I think some of the newer riders have read the manual but just don't understand their options. I have read the manual and I understand it. However, it does not address my situation.

Thank you for taking the time to clarify it for me!
Thank you for that clear info. So my options are: 1)to get the user code from the people who sold me the ECU, or if they don't have it, 2) order a new ECU from a dealer with a new key and code. Otherwise I am going to spend 833 hours (30 seconds per code guess) guessing the right code.

Just a side point - in looking back at the previous threads on similar topics in this forum, the more experienced users keep saying JUST READ the manual. I think some of the newer riders have read the manual but just don't understand their options. I have read the manual and I understand it. However, it does not address my situation.

Thank you for taking the time to clarify it for me!

Here we go again...

Sorry but my answer was specifically designed to answer your exact particular situation. I’m sorry it bothered you.

The reason I said you needed to read (The SERVICE MANUAL) not just the OWNERS MANUAL, was that so you would understand exactly HOW the system works. So you would understand that there are 2 different “codes” that people were mixing up and confusing here, and they are used on different ECU screens and for 2 very different purposes. So that you WOULD understand what a deleted key means and how you can remedy that, and so that you would understand what a dealer could do with their PADS Navigator computer at the time it was written.

I thought that reading these things, would provide you an understanding of the electro-mechanical situation you are faced with along with the answers that I gave you directly, so you could then fully understand as to why and how they are what they are and what your options were.

Again sorry. My bad.

I’m sorry whoever sold you the ECU, didn’t provide you with a functioning Master Key. Perhaps you can contact them and they still have it.

Unfortunately, many people think an immobilizer equipped ECU is just interchangeable when they are not, as you have now discovered. I’m sorry you are going through this. Maybe you can get your money back as the ECU is a brick - D.O.A. without the code AND at least 1 functioning key.

I still recommend speaking with a dealer like AF1 Racing in Austin, TX. They may have more intimate knowledge of something new to allow a dealer to resolve this problem now.

Good Luck
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I think you took what I said wrong. I said "Thank you for that clear info", and "Thank you for taking the time to clarify it for me!". I genuinely meant that. It was not a sarcastic response. I was not bothered by your response at all. I deal with tons of technical information for my work and am not adverse to getting into the weeds. Sometimes the tenor of our comments can get lost on message boards and forums.

The first sentence of the excerpt from the user's manual you copied and pasted said "if you know the code". I don't know the code. Everything after that did not apply to my situation. In my Norge user's manual, it had very similar language which also did not apply. It also never mentioned anything about the procedure for reinstalling a different ECU used or new. That is what I meant by "it (the manual) does not address my situation". I wasn't talking about you.

You however, gave me a clear synopsis including information which is not in the manual, which I genuinely appreciated. Thank you.

I am going to pursue the company from Germany that I bought the used ECU from and if see if they can provide everything I need to make it function or give me my money back. I will also try the AF1 Racing in Austin to see if they can help me out. Thanks for the tip.
I haven't confirmed this personally, but this is what I recorded from someone on the interweb with your dilemma.

If you have two keys but don’t know the code you can re-set it using the ‘Code recovery’ function.

If you have one working key and know the code you can program up to four using the ‘Change the key’ function.

If you have only one key and don’t know the code you’re stuffed!

Good luck.
I haven't confirmed this personally, but this is what I recorded from someone on the interweb with your dilemma.

If you have two keys but don’t know the code you can re-set it using the ‘Code recovery’ function.

If you have one working key and know the code you can program up to four using the ‘Change the key’ function.

If you have only one key and don’t know the code you’re stuffed!

Good luck.

I think the issue is that the two keys are matched to the old ECU. He would need the keys that are matched with the new ECU or the user code for the new ECU.

P.S. I stand corrected. The keys are matched to the dashboard.
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John, are user codes set at factory and same for all ECU's ( or not ECU-specific and instead to some other fixed aspect of the machine? -- unless a subsequent owner or dealer resets? Unless the PO -- that the OP says he doesn't know -- changed it, would it thus be same on all Norges, etc.?

I like your idea of using the maintenance code. I set mine on purchase to the zip code of where I lived (at the time :think:) and think I'll do that now.

Surely the dealer -- if still around! -- could try to contact PO (with, naturally, a "bribe" to dealer for the effort ;)) and see if that person remembers.

I thought there was a discussion on this forum about recovering codes, but am off on a ride and no time to search.

Buon fortuna to the OP!



User code is set by the first owner. Default I believe is 00000. If the first owner used a unique code, then the guy is basically screwed unless he can get a dealer to reset the ECU. That is why I recommend making the user code the same as the service code.
By the way, where is the user code stored? Is it in the ECU? If so, I just replaced the ECU and I would have to go back to the people I bought the ECU from, not the original guy who had the bike before me...
One other question, I kept reading in other threads that you can just ignore it. Do I just wait a while and it will start up anyway?
So my options are: 1)to get the user code from the people who sold me the ECU, or if they don't have it, 2) order a new ECU from a dealer with a new key and code.
There's no way to read it, no. If the bike starts, you don't have to worry about it for now, but if you ever need to replace a key or worse, loose both, you would be stuck. A company called Carmo (search this site or Google for more info) can do this and send you two new key blanks coded to the dashboard. I don't want to contradict Scott above, but it's my understanding that the RFID chip in the key communicates with the dashboard, not the ECU. I have been able to eliminate the dashboard on my GTM builds with some programming magic. You could try to unplug the dash and see if it starts, not that is the end all, but it's a good test. If this is the case, you would need a new dashboard only, not an ECU. A new dashboard has no User Code.
I can confirm that the user code is stored in the dashboard. When my Breva 1100 dashboard went tits up years ago, I got very good at swapping dashboards between my Breva, my Norge and my 1200 Sport (I only now still have the later).

But without the code, it appears you cannot reset using the ‘Code recovery’ function.
I stand corrected! My bad. Certainly not my first mistake nor my last.

Apologies tor my error but nevertheless, excellent info from Todd and Dave.

Thank you gentlemen!

I don’t understand why it wants you to enter the code then if it is dashboard specific as you still have the same dash, but...again, I recommend talking to AF1. I buy many things from them and they are FIRST CLASS and knowledgeable.

So if this is indeed the case, you should know the security code, or at least, the dealer you bought the bike from should; worth a try!

I also want to suggest looking carefully at any manual or document you received with the purchase of the bike. It may be handwritten in the owners manual or other document. I have seen more than one written like that, or sometimes in a documents folder with prior registration or insurance papers. People tend to write it down.

Also, you may be able to find out the previous owners name and contact them directly?

Good Luck!
Apologies tor my error but nevertheless, excellent info from Todd and Dave.
Thank you gentlemen! I don’t understand why it wants you to enter the code then if it is dashboard specific as you still have the same dash
Thanks Scott, and I left that out that I completely agree on the dash being stock, as originally delivered, there should be no issue. It might be that the key antenna connection was disconnected or severed by accident, but things like this are impossible to diagnose via the net. ;)
Well slap me and call me Samantha! I unplugged my dashboard and it started right up for the first time in three years! So that means the user code checkpoint is in the dashboard, not the ECU. Today I found the previous owner's number and am going to call him and see if he remembers the user code just so I have it...

I'm wondering if I start it up, plug in the dashboard, go to the menu and reset the user code.... to 00000 so this never happens again.