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Quota Battery


Just got it firing!
Jun 23, 2011
Ok , I first noticed this issue a few years back when looking for a replacement battery- 13AH/ 230 CCA & fitting dimensions. Then I ordered something off the internet never thinking to check the polarity. Of course that tells you I was very disappointed when I realized the positive was now on the right, the opposite of the factory supplied unit and subsequent replacements. I sent it back and couldn't find anything suitable with the correct polarity. I went to a local battery wholesaler/retailer warehouse and told the desk clerk my problem. He came up with one not quite up to specs, but at least I didn't have to rewire my positive/negative wiring and it cost around $65.

That battery, amazingly, lasted 6-7 years! I couldn't locate my battery warehouse and don't know if still in biz or not. So I ordered from the net and of course it too had the poles reversed, and then died about 18 mos later from collapsed cells when on a weekend rally. Luckily I found a restoration shop, Hall's Custom Vintage in Asheville, where the bike died. BTW, this is a magnificent shop, with a lot of really beautiful old restored Brit bikes & as well as Euro, Japanese, and Harley. If you get even close to Asheville, check Hall's out. Only the battery he had wasn't really up to snuff, but would go for a few months. It's time is nigh, and can tell I need to replace it.

I've spent the last couple days trying to find the right battery with the left positive post, but no luck Sherlock! I know i'm not nuts, because it was a real pain in the ass trying to get that previous right hand positive post connected. Fortunately, I had a knowledgeable friend there to help and it took us forever to figure out how to stretch the wires without pulling them loose and keeping them from being crimped between the seat and frame.

How has this misinformation gotten around to all the suppliers' specifications? It's as though there's some manufacturer in China (or YUASA in PA) that had some duffus mistranslate the original specs, and these guys have the manufacturing for 3 or 4 labels of batteries, so now it is taken as gospel! When I call or email the suppliers, they act like I'm crazy, saying "if we see it in writing from our wholesaler or mfr, then it has to be accurate."

Am I nuts? Or did someone, a mechanic, surreptitiously and clearly unknown to me, switch out my wiring harness?
What gives guys?
My Quota's wiring harness at the battery was a hot mess right from the factory. I clipped off all the wire ties and moved what seemed like about 50 ground terminals to two of the frame lugs (the ones holding the fuel pump/filter mounting plate) so they wouldn't be clogging up the battery post. It would be really simple to flip the battery around in either orientation just by re-routing the wiring harness. I think there is about a 99% likelihood that no two Quotas have the wiring run exactly the same way.

Mine came with a brand new Odyssey battery that is a bit small for the tray, but it works fine. For what it's worth, the positive terminal on mine is toward the front of the bike. There is plenty of extra wire on both the positive and negative main battery cables to install the battery in either direction. I ended up picking positive toward the front because there was more room for the terminal not to touch the frame. Any battery should fit in there two different ways, either with the terminals up under the frame, or turned around so the terminals are on the outside. That right there might solve your orientation problem.
Stock battery is a Yuasa YTX15L-BS, which shows right side positive, correct? I can get you one for about $95 + shipping. If you want far more modern longer-lasting, and much lighter spill-proof technology in the same size, I can get you one; https://www.guzzitech.com/store/product/antigravity-battery-bs12/ (positive on right or left no problem).
I'll keep saying this, older batteries had higher allowable lead content and lasted longer. Newer lead/acid batteries, even AGM, will have much shorter lifespans. Everything is moving towards Lithium.
For some reason I'm not getting notification on responses to my post on the battery! I just decided to check the forum..
Anyway, I had a response from several inquireys to retailers that suggested 2 things, use the right hand positive post Facing into the bike with quick connect clips (makes me nervous thinking about loose ends dangling loose & hot). That way I don't have an issue of reach to hook up a float charger after riding and having to take off the side panels and seat, which is always a pain, especially trying to catch that lip the seat is supposed to hook into when remounting that always takes several attempts (minutes) to catch. I can't help but worry about those quick connect terminal extensions.
And No, the original battery that came with the bike did have a left handed positive post. I've had the bike since new, and the 1 time I did wire a right handed + post, it was a royal ass hurtin' having to clip wire ties & go under frame or through interior parts so the wire wouldn't get frayed or chaffed from the seat rubbing it. Plus there wasn't enough wire to easily reach the reversed posts, so we had to tug hard to get it to reach. I thought we were going to pull them loose! So no it ain't natural on my original owner stock Quota to have a right + Post.
Sorry to back up, but the 2nd response I got from this retailer also suggested a double post (4) AGM sealed MotoBatt (mbtx12u) with a 2 yr replacement warranty with free shipping @ $80. On this battery, its CCA is a little lower with 200 vs 230, but the 1 that lasted 6-7 years was an AGM as well with a CCA of 180.
Now I've got my desired left + post. If I could only figure out how to have the quick connect charger wires dangling safely. I might do that so I can leave my right side panel on the bike instead of riding around without it because its a pain to take off and put on.

So guys please tell me how to let them safely dangle. Put tape on them?