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Stelvio headlight repair

68 404

Just got it firing!
Dec 3, 2020
Sydney, Australia
Hello chaps from Sydney Australia.
2011 NXT.
Today whilst trying to upgrade my headlight to LED insert I broke off one of the metal lugs that secure the collar to the reflector at the rear of the headlamp.
Can the reflector be replaced or am I up for the full double headlight assembly?
If you can't get the metal lug re-attached, it looks like you are in the market for the complete assembly.
It would be helpful to see a picture.

The entire headlight assembly can be removed from the motorcycle in 2 different ways. They are both fully documented with detailed instructions and photos in my guide to removing the Charcoal Canister. It’s a “Sticky” thread at the top of the Stelvio section.


Because I cannot visualize what you are describing, I cannot tell you for certain, but any part of the metal ring assembly can be either spot welded or brazed most likely if it can be removed from the plastic carrier. There is also the last ditch resort of a chemical weld product like JB Weld which actually I have used about 100 times to make all sorts of very strong, reliable, and durable repairs.
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It is one of the plastic tangs that holds the insert into the reflector.
It is on the left of the photo
I have bought a second hand headlight assembly from Germany an hour ago.
In any case, when I install I will see if I can JB weld it in place so then ai will have a spare I hopefully will never need.
Thank you everyone for the feedback and response. It is very appreciated.
I will reference Scott's post for headlight removal.
My 12 year old Stelvio has done 35,000km and is now very reliable. It needed the extra cable from battery to starter solenoid to achieve this but now she's a good 'un.
You can repair that, although not with the headlight assembly in place.

JB PlasticWeld.

I would tease out and use 0-0-0-0 steel wool threads pressed into the uncured epoxy with a toothpick to really reinforce the repair to a solid strength.