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Throttle meister install


Cruisin' Guzzisti
Oct 28, 2008
walpole , new hampshire
I called throttle meister to find out if they made one of their units for the Guzzi Norge. The fellow i spoke with seemed to think that the Norge and the Breva were the same and they did make one for the breva. I thought the same and ordered one up. It came the other day and i checked it out and all looked good. I installed it today and found out that, no, it was not the same and it did not fit like the directions had said it should. I ended up making an aluminum washer with a 7/8" hole and the same circumference as the throttle meister end weight unit. The washer is about 3/16" thick. With the washer in place the throttle meister works as it should. Without the washer the unit never comes close to contacting the friction sleeve they provide. Don't know if anyone else has installed one of these and what you went trough to make it work. Mine works fine, now that I figured out the washer/spacer to take up the room between the throttle and the end weight.
I had a similar situation with the Manic Salamander throttle lock only instead of getting fancy I used the rubber ring that Target Pharmacy puts on its larger pill containers. If anyone would like a few let me know and I will gladly send you a couple. In addition to taking up the space between the grip and the lock face it also adds some more friction to the mating surfaces to hold the throttle in position better. http://www.manicsalamander.com :S
I bought a Throttlemeister from Moto International since I wasn't sure which one to order from the web site. And..yes it did not work right. I had to use my bench grinder on one of the spacers in order to make it fit correctly.

I bought the kit for a Norge and no issues with the install. The first set of bolts that I received were too short but that was quickly resolved by TM.

I also have a cool grip attached to the OD of the throttle side to make gripping and turning much easier with bulky Winter gloves on. It is a ring that gets attached to the inside of the TM and secures with set screw. Nice little addition made in stainless....
I'll post a shot of it later.

my throttlemeister.....

about $1.00, works a treat, shame it's yellow.


The throttle arrangement is indeed different on the Breva and the Norge. The throttle cable goes over the front brake lever on the Breva, under with the Norge. This makes their heated grips different, which I found out the hard way.

Probably wouldn't affect a Throttlemeister install 'tho. I have to confess I've never tried one. Can't understand why I would need more leverage on the throttle. I have difficulty holding it from opening all by itself. :laugh:
I had a similar problem, I ended up throwing that friction sleeve away, (didn't have one of those on my other bikes that had a throttllemeister) and just played around with some spacers I had laying around untill I got the feel I wanted. Works great now.
I bought what might be a throttlemeister knockoff from www.motorradgarage.com.au which they labeled as for the Breva.

Was worried it might not work, but it fitted and worked.

Looks a bit ugly because there's a large gap between the ring you turn to grip the throttle and the bar end weight replacement, but that could be fixed by a bit of tubing if I really cared....

As it is, I'll probably just fit it for touring as it's 2 minute's work to do, and I care enough about the looks not to have a cm gap unless I have to!

http://www.motorradgarage.com.au/catalo ... cts_id=547

I just place my right thumb over the heated grip cable to relief stress :p
Odd, I ordered mine from MPH Cycle for my Norge and it installed in about 30 minutes. It's worked fine for about a year now. I had to fuss with the right washer combo until I got the right lock/feel but everything fit correctly. I don't know what MPH did, or sent me, but it all went together just fine. :) It came with a bunch of different washers to play with.
I got mine directly from Throttlemeister and it went right on in about 20 minutes including finding the right spacer combo.
I put a Maniac Salamander on the Norge, but the tits on the friction surface touched the plastic on the throttle and it would slip. Had to peel the grip back a little, and grind the throttle plastic off a little to let the salamander grip the rubber. No brainer, works fine.
There are two series of Breva 1100. The early ones had a different throttle and switchgear than the Norge. Late Brevas have norge throttle and switchgear.