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Undecided on which v7 model...


Cruisin' Guzzisti
Nov 22, 2016
Pacific Northwet
I really have to have a new v7 this spring. I love the Special, but don't like spoked wheels with tube type tires. Tubeless are just safer because they don't lose air as rapidly. I could stand a Stone, but don't particularly like the matte finish or black pipes. Any comments to sway me would be appreciated.
The V7II has chrome pipes and mufflers.
There are some great clearance deals right now.
And I know Moto International, Seattle, will swap tanks for you; they offered that for me.
Well that's a conundrum you've gotten yourself into. A conundrum that can only be solved by paying extra to swap out what you want.
image.jpeg My dealer swapped the wheels with a stone, so I've the best of both worlds. Had I wanted a Stone, but with a shiny tank, he offered to lacquer it for me. Alternatively , for a few hundred pounds, he'd have repainted the tank, panels and mudguards in whatever colour I chose.
When I took the bike back for its first service, the gold was on display. I was tempted....
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View attachment 11324 My dealer swapped the wheels with a stone, so I've the best of both worlds. Had I wanted a Stone, but with a shiny tank, he offered to lacquer it for me. Alternatively , for a few hundred pounds, he'd have repainted the tank, panels and mudguards in whatever colour I chose.
When I took the bike back for its first service, the goLd was on display. I was tempted....
Hi again Mr Pootle, that tank's got me tempted too, would that be Moto Strada . Just lacquer over my matte yellow + black? Steve.
I hate spokes.

But I'm not sure I accept the premise that cast is safer.

I mean the one time in hundreds of thousands of miles that I had a flat on spokes (Guzzi Jackal, 2-up, on the highway running fast) the tube lost air slowly and the sidewall was pretty stiff and we pulled off the highway and into a gas station.

That said, people are right, you can swap wheels...nuff' said.
I just (last Fri.) Brought an 16 stone ii home. Yes I like the looks of the upscale models but ,no tubes for me. I always carry a mini compressor & wall mart plug kit . No often but a few times in the last 40 years & 300k mi. it has been a lot easier to get me out of a jam than wrestling wheel removal, dismounting tire etc. Also, an added bonus if you help some other poor soul out @ the rally ,usually they will keep you "hydrated" for a portion of the event!! I too am not thrilled w/Matt paint but painting a tank & side covers is lots cheaper than case wheels.I can't wait to get this break in period over &let my eagle spread its wings a bit ( @ legal speeds of course!!). I'm off to farkle..
The rims that GT offers look amazing and are apparently much lighter. I'd just pick up a set of those if your wallet can handle the price!