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V10 valve/head cover - repair or availability?

Rob Buczynski

Just got it firing!
Dec 28, 2008
Howdy y'all- hopefully I'm posting in the correct forum.

The result of a rear end collision is a severely cracked valve/head cover on my beloved Centauro.
I have had no success in repairing with JB Weld(!) so am searching for other repair options.
Can anyone relate experience in repair of this or like item?

I would certainly prefer to replace but am at a loss for sources. Any suggestions?

Thanks in Advance... -- Rob in Austin.
Hey Rob,

If you don't already belong...check out the Centauro Owners Group. They are a good source of info and often parts.
Crumpy knows Centauro and always has good advise. Crumpy is a keeper...If he was a catfish I'd step on his head, strip the skin from his loins and throw him in an ice chest:)
These've been hard to find for a while. You might find someone with one in stock. Ask about all of the 4v covers, not just the Centauro one. They differ mostly just in color, and that's easily fixable. The work I got is that the mold for them got dropped and broken, so the MGS-01 covers may be all that's ever available again.
Thanks for the replies. I am having little luck sourcing the replacement so am looking more into having mine welded.
To ensure trusting my precious part to a competent weldor, I would like to inquire of his abilities myself informed as much as possible towards my requirements... Can anyone describe the composition of the valve cover?
Is it just cast aluminum or another alloy?
Lupo wrote:
Crumpy knows Centauro and always has good advise. Crumpy is a keeper...If he was a catfish I'd step on his head, strip the skin from his loins and throw him in an ice chest:)

I like how your mouth moves when you say "loins".....
First: there are kits that enable you to 'solder' aluminum ie low heat=no risk, there have been posts on MGCN (Netherlands) of guys that have succesfully soldered aluminum so it seems to work. Supposedly there's lots of zinc in the solder, and since it's a valve cover we're talking about I wouldn't worry about the strength of the weld.
Second: I read once that there is a German guy( I believ the same that makes Mitsubishi startermotors to fit Guzzi) that made a mold and wanted people to sign up so he could have a batch made in China.
Let me know if I should look any further into that.
Cheers, JR
jurjenratsma wrote:
First: there are kits that enable you to 'solder' aluminum ie low heat=no risk, there have been posts on MGCN (Netherlands) of guys that have succesfully soldered aluminum so it seems to work. Supposedly there's lots of zinc in the solder, and since it's a valve cover we're talking about I wouldn't worry about the strength of the weld.
Second: I read once that there is a German guy( I believ the same that makes Mitsubishi startermotors to fit Guzzi) that made a mold and wanted people to sign up so he could have a batch made in China.
Let me know if I should look any further into that.
Cheers, JR

well no need to look up, he ended in china where a mold was made, but the quality was to poor, then they wanted him to pay for their work, what he didn't want because it wasn't up to standards. It isn't so easy to get them made as it looks. For him, he doesn't even have a 4v guzzi, was it something he wanted to do for the owners that need one. But not at any price, he wasn't going to earn money from it.

If you can get it welded, that is far the most easy way.

I do have 2 in stock but will not sell them before my Daytona. Sorry
What about gluing the broken unit back together, using it as a master for a sand-cast mold and pouring your own? Mill the bottom flat & Robert's your mother's favorite brother!

Google "diy sand casting" & you'll find tons of info, maybe even a pointer to a hobbyist in your area who'll work with you to make up a couple for spares? If I ever had found the time myself I'd already be doing them, I've had bookmarks saved for diy casting for dog's years!