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650 Guzzi on/off road

old moe toe

Just got it firing!
Feb 21, 2012
Going to have a look at a 650 in a day or 2. Not sure of what model it is, imagine around late 80's. It is obviously a bike that is street registered however has got the off road trail bike characteristics. Thinking it's a 650TT.
Is there any models from around this time that are proven "Lemons" one should be wary of?.
Any other snippets of advice appreciated.
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I had a TT once and currently have a V65 NTX (in pieces). People bag the TT because it's not really an adventure tourer. And it's not, but I put 185,000km on mine, tar and dirt, and enjoyed every minute of it. The main drawbacks are the small tank and diabolical seat- fine around town but a pain for any sort of distance.
Thanks for the reply Mike. Wonder if you owned the one I was looking at? Sure don't see many of em round here.
The bike in question is no doubt still sitting outside where I saw it last. Was the rear swingarm a bit of an issue with them as it was housed in the gearbox casting?
ive had my 650tt for 6 years and ride it all year round ,its good off road but can get heavy if you keep falling off like I do sometimes . The engine is a peach and I ride it flat out most of the time when on tarmac . All I do is change the oil and filter often . It let me down once when I crossed a Ford and the water came above the petrol tank .
great bikes, I have 2 , the very special one that Todd linked to in the post above with the new v7 Stone engine and box and a Tatty white 1988 one.

Only a few things to watch out for, plastics are a most impossible to replace, has taken me 2 years to get a spare set for mine. If your in the uk you wont get an english spec headlamp. Mechanicals are bullet proof except for the usual small block rear thrust bearing failures

Love both of mine to bits, go like stink and handle really well. Fitting Monza primary gears help the performance if you use it primarily on the road

Only real problems of TT ownership is the stingy 9 litre tank and factory low ratio gearing for road use.

any yes if i see another for sale it will come and live with my 2 ;-)

Thanks for that GuzziV65TT. I did have a browse through the thread about your one with the V75 motor conversion.
The one I was looking at is pretty rough n rusty with a busted headlight. It has been sitting for a while with minimal protection from the elements. The owner had just put a new battery in it and when I went to look at it it fired up reasonably quickly. I took it for a bit of a test ride and it went well for the first few hundred meters then lost heaps of power and started running rough so I turned around and limped back to the owners place. Realised it only had a thimble full of fuel in the tank so borrowed a fuel can from the owner and went and got some more fuel. Put a few liters in the tank and the bike refused to start. Tried for a while to get it going with no luck. Did not want to flatten the battery as owner had no charger and lived in a somewhat remote location. Told the owner(who I know) that I'd be back,just have not got round to it yet. I thought that the bike was pretty ugly and yes the small tank, however thought it might make an interesting custom bike.
I would be willing to bet if it ran out of gas while you test rode it that the carbs are now full of whatever was in the bottom of the tank. If it sat out exposed probably water and rust. Then there is the possibility some critters used the airbox as a home.
Spot on Abbie!

Id snap it up and spend some time sorting the probs out.

Carbs are easy to clean up and sort. Add a main fuse at the battery feed the harness , give a full service and get it on the road