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Service Light Mystery


Cruisin' Guzzisti
Apr 7, 2017
Los A
I was almost home from a 2 hr ride when the service light went on. Red light on dash and the word SERVICE on bottom of gauge.

I toggled around to the "Service" section and it said:

Back Lighting


Any idea what this means? Nothing changed in the way the bike ran/behaved. Other than those two words I couldn't find any p codes fault codes or whatever Guzzi uses.

All suggestions welcome.
Ha, ha, I was entering "84534" to clear the code. Wrote it down wrong.

Still I'd like to know what the onboard "thinks" is wrong with the bike. Any way to get at specific fault codes?
BTW, Back Lighting is the amount of backlight set in your dashboard display. Play with it until you think you've got the best setting (probably where it is currently).

Calibration is used to calibrate the Traction Control. Stay away unless you have put new tyres on and the traction control won't operate. It can be difficult to get the calibration set. User handbook has the details.
I saw your first post Kiwi Dave: PADS. A proprietary system to match with a thin dealer network lol. Way to make friends Piaggio! Thanks for the heads up on that, Dave; I won't go looking for cheap diagnostic tools on fleabay now.

I checked the bike out thoroughly, found no leaks or parts falling off. Then I noticed it was reading at only 12V -- after a 2 hour ride. So I took it out around the neighborhood, and saw it charging only 13.8 at idle, 14 at cruise. Normally its 14/14.1, Hmmmm. So I ran it at different engine speeds. After a while it resumed normal charge screen mode: 14v at idle 14.1 at cruise. Then it went back to 13.8.

I serviced the battery months ago and everything's been fine. Maybe something shook loose. .

Anyway, I reset the SERVICE light, and it stayed off.

Oh, no, am I going to have non-stop electric faults with this bike, like a 1970s Fiat? Hope not!

I'll dig into the battery box later and see what's what. That's the only thing that seems amiss. Runs/rides fine.
Finally pulled the battery. There was quite a discrepancy between my multimeter reading (12.3v) and the gauge (11.9v). Charged it to 13.3v and the gauge was still reading low (.5v now). I cleaned and checked all the connections, but there it is.
I think the discrepancy would be because the gauge reading is after losses in the wiring loom, there would be a loss between the battery and gauge once the ignition is turned on.
I saw your first post Kiwi Dave: PADS. A proprietary system to match with a thin dealer network lol. Way to make friends Piaggio! Thanks for the heads up on that, Dave; I won't go looking for cheap diagnostic tools on fleabay now.

I checked the bike out thoroughly, found no leaks or parts falling off. Then I noticed it was reading at only 12V -- after a 2 hour ride. So I took it out around the neighborhood, and saw it charging only 13.8 at idle, 14 at cruise. Normally its 14/14.1, Hmmmm. So I ran it at different engine speeds. After a while it resumed normal charge screen mode: 14v at idle 14.1 at cruise. Then it went back to 13.8.

I serviced the battery months ago and everything's been fine. Maybe something shook loose. .

Anyway, I reset the SERVICE light, and it stayed off.

Oh, no, am I going to have non-stop electric faults with this bike, like a 1970s Fiat? Hope not!

I'll dig into the battery box later and see what's what. That's the only thing that seems amiss. Runs/rides fine.

You reset the 'service' command? How did you do that? I've found how to reset the wrench (indicating oil change required etc.), but the word 'service' seems a bit harder to deal with...unless you are a Piaggio dealer. I've also noticed that owner manuals vary significantly in what they include, but never-the-less seem uniformly useless...
Hi KAT, I used 34534 on the service screen. I was able to reset it so the word "Service" no longer appeared at the bottom. I still don't know why it was there in the first place.
Eldo1400, thanks for that. I read a bit further on the forum after posting that question and began to wonder if the 'service' indicator would go away after I rode it and the system realised the fault was no longer there. It did, so its all good now. In my case I do know why it appeared in the first place, and therein lays a tale!

I got grip warmers as a birthday present - Heat Demon which are film elements that fit under the grips. I'd already resolved to buy the genuine heated grips which simply bolt on and plug in to my Cali1400, but it appears I've muttered something about it in not enough detail to My Darling and I've ended up with these instead. So I looked at the (brief) instructions and thought...how hard could it be... Well, I've now developed new skills, such as researching, ordering and piecing together Molex connectors, removing grips undamaged so they can be reused, further skills reading and interpreting a multimeter, and its been a while since I last picked up a soldering iron. Quite a while in fact, and I can now solder whilst holding a magnifying glass, helluvua feat if I may say so.

Anyway, I carefully put it all together and then came beginner mistake eight hundred and ninety two.

Cleverly, I thought I'd best make sure all was well with the fuses. Checked the owner's manual, opened the fuse case cover...didn't look the same ... the numbers were ALL WRONG. Turns out the image in the book and the fuse fitting on the bike were mirrored; yup, backwards. But while my poor pea-sized brain was working that out The Good Idea fairy gave me a good hard slap and I started pulling out fuses to determine what didn't work any more. Now, when you pull out the fuse protecting the ABS circuit the system, unsurprisingly, registers a big fat fault. And to make it worse the (insert your preferred adjective) warmers didn't seem to work....

It now seems to me that the 'service' indicator uses the same section of the display as does the grip heat level indicator. And as we know computers control everything these days, so, you can either have heated grips OR an error message. Anyway, I hope to have it sorted over the next couple of evenings.

I'm brand new to this forum (in fact, ANY forum...its another new skill..); its nice to know help is near and your response is greatly appreciated.

Great story, KAT. I'm a "read the instructions 10 times" guy. It's my only hope of getting anything done, since I have absolutely no native talent as a mechanic. None.

I learned early on: my brother is a natural mechanic (went on to be an aircraft A&P, then a 30-year auto guy). So, my ineptitude was literally being demonstrated before my eyes as a child. Did it stop me? Hell no, I had to buy a broken down Indian when I was 11. Not a real one; one of those Italjet 50cc toys called "Indian". Tried for about a year to rebuild the engine. Did that teach me? No, Then came the Mopar big block at 15, then a Chevelle project, then a Bonneville. Oh, and the iron head sporty (best just forget that one). Having learned nothing, I "graduated" to German cars.

In each case, it took 100 hours of dogged persistence for me to do what a gifted mechanic would figure out in 10.

I hope this makes you feel a bit better lol.
...I have a Fiat X19 in the garage that is in desperate need of a complete rebuild. Attempting to understand the electrics should have taught me a lesson about tackling Guzzi electrical gremlins - its gives me a great deal of confidence, but apparently like you, no extra competence. Oh well....
Kat, a blown fuse will cause the service message to appear could that have been the problem?

JohnL, noting that its effectively the problem being recognized by the computer, it was definitely me pulling fuses to try and decipher what I was presented with when I first opened the fuse box. Put the fuses back, go for a short ride so the system does its initial check again,..no problem!.
Hi - can you explain this further? Like how you exactly did that? Thanks.

If I'm remembering correctly...you toggle around and see an option for "Service", push on that and there's a prompt for the code. Enter the code using the toggle push (it's pretty intuitive). and when you enter the code you go to a menu where you have the option to re-set the screen.
Thank you Dave :happy:. I needed to read the thread you linked to see that I needed to do the RESET COUPON step after entering the code but my SERVICE message and red triangle are now gone. I'll see if it comes on again shortly which tells me I have an issue to look into further.

Interestingly, my light came on just after refueling so I wonder if I got a bad batch of gas (mileage has been horrible since then and bike's just not running quite as normal as before).