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Fuel pump and filter parting company...again

Tim with a Griso

Tuned and Synch'ed
Jun 15, 2013
Hi, for the second time this year (and the 3rd since I bought it ) my Griso ended up in the back of a breakdown van heading to the shed of shame because the fuel filter had separated from the pump. Luckily I had the space and time to free wheel to a safe haven. Now if it had happened while I was enjoying the twisty bits as I was earlier, life could have become far too interesting.
Anyhow since I have replaced the hoses and swapped the 'one time' clips ,and added a light support to stop the filter from moving around I am open to any suggestions on how to stop it happening again.
Could the fuel filter be causing some back pressure? And yes it has had the recall mod.
I am open to any suggestions other than get another boring Kawasaki !
Tim, the recalled/updated pump had the filter zip-tied to the pump assembly. Is your like this or is it just hanging on the hoses?
Hi Todd,
that's an interesting point. According to the MG database it has had the mod, But no, it just hangs there, and nor was it done when I got my local Guzzi dealer to fix it the first time.
Does the mod mean there is a longer hose between the pump and the filter?
Will normal zip ties be OK inside a fuel tank?
Thanks Todd.
After finding some bits floating in the tank I've ordered a new filter - may be overkill I know - and I'm' going to fit it as in the pics. Why the dealer din't do it I don't know I hope that'll be the end my problems.
Hi, thought I'd add a few lines. Just been out for the first time after I replaced the fuel filter and relocated it. and what can I say - it's like having a new, faster and smoother running bike.
I had a strange thought. I saw the reversing of the fuel lines is simple and elegant but has anyone tried relocating the frak'n fuel filter out of the fuel tank?

While it may be an environmentally conscious design it is also screaming for failure.

There's a reason 99% of vehicle fuel filters used are not installed in the fuel tank. I guess if you can't put the oil filter in the sump why not put the fuel filter in the fuel tank.
I had a strange thought. I saw the reversing of the fuel lines is simple and elegant but has anyone tried relocating the frak'n fuel filter out of the fuel tank?
The older B11's used a rubber line with a plastic connector/connection at the pump, and I need to see how they connect to the injectors on the Griso, but I'd say it's do-able. If so, you'll also need to add a $20/ft submersible fuel line at the pump. Also of note that placement of the filter can also be problematic as it caused vapor lock on the '00-02 V11S'. In '03+, they went in the tank as well.

One question that popped into my head - that if the fuel filter was outside the tank It would need some sort of support (?) and as Todd said there is a risk of getting a vapour lock as it'll have to go somewhere hot between the cylinders, plus if one of the connections failed you'd have fuel going over a hot engine - maybe just a filter full OR a tank full ........ and then things could get interesting!

Perhaps its best left in the tank, just like a lot of other makes do -Harley Davidsons, to name but one, (and yes it happens to them too!)

Mind you I think the location of the filter was not the main cause of my problem. I think that at some stage in my bikes life it had some dirty fuel and the filter had done it's job. But in doing so the fuel flow became restricted causing back pressure, and with the movement of the filter caused the fuel line to fail. All I know is a new filter has done the job.

Still I'll have to wait now until next spring to see if my theory holds up! (I've done enough winter riding to know that's what a car is for)
To add my two cents....
There are a couple aspects to the fuel lines popping off. One was the use of fuel line that got soft over time when submersed in fuel. Apparently the original fuel line used was not rated for submersion.
Another aspect would be how securely the assembly is held together. To that aspect I went a step further than my dealer who did the fuel line replacement and added some safety wire that ties all the various parts together so they cannot seperate.

Even if the fuel filter was blocked to the point of the motor not running it should not have come apart if the repair was done correctly in the first place. Glad your Griso is on the road again, you may want to investigate this further so you do not end up on the side of the road again.
That hose does look weird.
I still think safety wiring the assembly together is a wise investment.
Like my momma taught me, "If you something falling off would lead to a bad day, safety wire it on".