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It's Official! Visalia, CA Not-a-rally. April 13-15

guzzibob said:
projected snow over the grapevine Friday

Hey Bob,

To avoid snow, how about taking 101 north then 46 to 41 and 198 into Visalia? I Checked the 10 day forecast for the following weekend and it does look a bit better but that could get worse!

Up north we have a forecast for 70% chance of rain today and the sun is peeping out from behind the clouds, so I'm hoping for the same this Friday.

Anyway, we'll miss you and the rest of the ProItalia guys. Maybe you socal guys can come to the NATA Rally up here in June if you not headed to Virginia.
That's a lot of extra miles & time. Not in itself a bad thing, but in this case includes going across LA on a rainy work day, & likely plenty of rain both in LA & afterwards. Following weekend seems like a better idea. Weather wise seems like a lot more upside than downside. Right now I'm not planning on the NATA thing, but am planning on Oregon the week before. You?
what's the consensus on this weekend ride; is this still on or are we rescheduling? I'd rather ride in dry conditions, but will do either. Just need to know whether to cancel the hotel room.

Why don't you share a room w/me?! I'm definitely going; the riding's going to be spectacular. See my last post on the prior page of this thread, and PM me right now for my phone #.

zigzag said:
is this still on or are we rescheduling?
it's still on and on it's on the next weekend as well.

Bob, I probably won't make it to the Oregon rally this year, maybe next, but I'm hoping to make it to the Kansas campout - haven't been to the Kansas rally in 25 yrs. And the NV rally.

See Y'all Friday.
For those still waffling about which weekend, current Visalia forecast for April 20-22 (for what its worth this far ahead) is highs in mid-upper 70's, sunny Fri & Sat, cloudy but no mention of rain Sunday. And NO chance of freezing rain/snow going through the Gravevine on I5 coming up from LA & other points south. Forecast has been getting better over the last few days.
Hi all,

Relatively new to the forum and have yet to do a Guzzi trip. This weekend was always conflicted but now that there's interest to do a next weekend as well, I'm in! Have booked a double room at Lamplighter and can share if anyone needs lodging.

Can head up on own or in a group. Any recommended route? Have a Butler's So Cal map and created the following Google map to cover some of the suggested roads on the way up but don't know how realistic to cover it in one day?


Lastly, where/when to meet up Friday after check-in or Saturday morning?

Thanks all and looking forward,

Just to clarify re Rally part 2,weekend 4/20-22, when Jamileh checked 2 days ago (see her post above) there were zero rooms available at the Lamp Liter, so per her suggestion as far as I know people planning on that weekend were making reservations at the Motel 6 instead. I do know that I & several others are there. You must have scored a subsequent cancellation at the Lamp Liter. Not that they are so far apart. Hopefully Jamileh will post re a meeting spot for Fri night. As for the route up, I and people I am going with will probably not be leaving LA until mid day/early aft, so likely will just banzai it up the 5, which that way should take under 3 hours. Bodfish-Caliente is a great road, if you have the time to leave LA earlier. Others will have to speak for themselves.
Hey Mike, wish you were going with me this weekend (I'm committed to this weekend, and won't be able to ride at all for maybe as long as a month starting mid-next-week). You might have gotten my Lamplighter cancellation. Let us all know if 190's open -- that's a great ride between Quaking Aspen and Springville, and your route would take me at least half-a-day (probably more). Have fun -- I know I will this weekend!

OK, here's my cell for anyone who needs it: 559-352-5844. Tomorrow's NAR group, call me when you get close to/in town, and we'll gather for happy hour. Lampliter and our house are 2 mins apart. Keith, be safe.
Mike/Strandbum, I'm assuming you're coming the following weekend, 4/20. Good on ya getting a room at Lampliter - I was told twice now that they're all sold out, but good for you. We'll probably gather at Lampliter late afternoon/beginning of Friday evening as people trickle in, and evolve from there. Western Divide will be closed for at least several more weeks; closed from just south of Ponderosa to somewhere at least around Johnsondale; you won't be able to get thru there. Tho it's a great ride when open. Let me know if you have other questions about routes - I've ridden around there a fair amount. Caliente-Bodfish is a blast, when accessible.
Let me know how I can further facilitate.....
Anxious to see the First Wave tomorrow. Swing Shift next weekend.
Hi Jamileh, thank you for your hospitality to show us around and the status of the condition of the scenic route. Will either head up via what Rafael suggested above or the 5.

Guzzibob, missed the earlier note on Motel 6. Called them just now and they happened to have a room left so I'm booked at both places :lol:. Lamp Liter must have gotten additional cancellations as they mentioned earlier today that they have ~8 rooms available. Keep us posted if you guys stay/switch and I'll follow suit. Haven't stayed at a Motel 6 since way back and it brings back warm memories :whistle:

Mike B - yes would have been great to join you this weekend. I saw that you're in for the DV loop this fall and I've marked that down too. Do let us know how this weekend went for you.

Snow flurries have started in Wrightwood, so I'll be heading out before too long. Looks pretty bad up the mountain where the sorms come from so I'll be sure to leave before it gets too bad. Looks like rain all the way to Visalia but good tomorrow. This will be a new experience for me, riding in the rain.

See you tis evening

Rain and snow today the higher elevations, see you guys next weekend. Safe travels Keith/All, take plenty of pics to post.
Yes, sorry to say it has been raining steadily, but not hard hard, since last night here in Visalia. Please be careful, Keith, and don't hesitate to call me if you need anything on the way. I'm off work today, just doing a few last-minute chores and waiting for you brave souls with warming provisions!!
Todd, I take it we have the same plan but next weekend?
The countryside should be real nice and green for the Swing Shift next weekend.....
Yes, next weekend... Status quo.

Chuck, extend your stay(?).
As of right now (noon Friday) I spoke to Lamp Liter & they had 3 rooms for next Sat night. So, unless at some point they get more cancellations for both nights and Jamileh grabs a block for all of us-& looking at the sky outside & listening to the thunder here in LA I'm betting we get a few more switch from this weekend to next, forecast sunny & highs around 80-I'm sticking with Motel 6 as the place more likely to accomodate all or at least more of us, as a number of folks are already booked there.
ok, you hooligans: just talked to Lamplighter. Bottom line: They had 3 rooms left, but upstairs, which I reserved under "jamie NAR" for Fri and Sat nights, 2 double beds in each room, at 69.99/night plus tax. No more special rate coz it's too short notice and they're so booked. And 72-hour cancellation policy, not 48. So whoever needs a room, call them at 559-732-4511, take one, and please put it on your credit card. If there are any of those rooms not taken by the 72 hours before Friday, i'll need to cancel them so I don't get charged. Please let me know if you take one. (She said they were telling me no rooms were left, coz all they had left were upstairs rooms and she thought we wanted downstairs rooms.)
Any questions, let me know.
This regarding next weekend 4/20-22, not this weekend:

jamileh said:
ok, you hooligans: just talked to Lamplighter. Bottom line: They had 3 rooms left, but upstairs, which I reserved under "jamie NAR" for Fri and Sat nights, 2 double beds in each room, at 69.99/night plus tax. No more special rate coz it's too short notice and they're so booked. And 72-hour cancellation policy, not 48. .

After I saw this post I called Jamileh, & then Motel 6. As of right now Motel 6 has "close to 10 " double rooms available for both nights. Since we know several people are already booked there we are now thinking, steer all to Motel 6 first & just hold Lamp Liter for now for possible overflow. This way we keep all or at least as many as possible at the same place. Also as it happens Motel 6 is cheaper (if you care), $57.99 for a double & 10 % less if 60 or over. Perhaps more importantly, you can guarantee late arrival there with a credit card but still cancel as late as 6PM the day of arrival without charge. Bottom line the Lamp Liter may be a bit nicer & has a restaurant on site, but we just can't all fit there, at least for now.